i love you

“I want to tell you something Joseph! Can you please let me get the words out!?” I sputtered while staring menacingly into those pale blue eyes of his.

“What Cher?!.. what could it possibly be now? I swear you never give it a f-“

“I love you.”

Silence.. so very deafening I thought my ear drums would cave in on itself.

“Listen to me when I say.. I love you.”

He didn’t blink and my mind tried desperately to uncover the secret language that lay untouched in his eyes. Jesus.. how could someone so beautiful, be so blissfully ignorant about it?

He sighed, attempting to relieve himself of the tension.

“Your a fool for seeking love from me.”


At that moment it seemed not a word was necessary for the lack of connection in the air, and again I looked into those eyes and I still decided my favourite colour was blue, and it was perfectly wrong and true with the same unspoken force

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