Describe a character's physical appearance through the eyes of someone who feels intense jealousy for them.
How accurate would the description be when tainted by strong emotion?
Perfect Lara Jean
Perfect Lara jean. “How can a person be so perfect? Wow I want to be Lara Jean!” I hear people say around me. If only they knew the ugliness that stood right in front of them. If only they knew how to escape Lara jeans manipulation and cunning lies that make her so utterly perfect. Her freshly combed black hair lay in a pristine way on her shoulders, her flawless button nose stood between her glistening cobalt eyes. Her petite figure pranced around in a way that infuriated me yet charmed all of those around her. Those around her that played as puppets and pawns in her wicked game. She gave everyone a menacing smile as they all stared at her in awe, while Lara Jean trapesed her arm around her new boyfriend nick- who was just with her for popularity. Everyone loved Lara Jean. Anyone who saw her fell into her trap of deceit. The deceit of perfect Lara Jean