
Fuzzy words blurt out from a speaker next to the traincars’s door. “The train is about to derail any passenger not properly secured may want to brace for impact.”

The big man across sitting across the table, Dot, began to glisten all over his body. He looked at me with wrinkled eyes and a open grin. He said, “Surely you’ll survive right Jace?” He laughed as his sheen coat hardens. His turns grey as this cement stretches over his body, finally covering his mouth to end his laughter. Silence.

The left side of my head flattens against the window. The pulse of pain brought by moving into the immovable. The car twist and my boots fly up past my face. Glass, shards of furniture, ancient cutlery creates the debris that makes the room a blender to be in. My back is flattened against what I can only think is the ceiling of the car. The ground vibrates below me as the train seems to be sliding against the ground. “That must be the go of it then, ay?”

The ceiling rocks. My back wants as the metal I’m laying on begins to glow and luminous green. The debris rises from where it fell and recalls where it once belonged. I’m squatting on my feet now ready for what comes next.

The train rises straight up. My knees bend with the inertia and when we reach the apex my legs straighten with a bounce. As the train cars float horizontally the train spins right-side up. Luckily it’s slow enough that I simply walk along the ceiling and walk until I’m on the floor.

The train enters free fall and slams directly onto the rails. With no hesitation it launches forward continuing its previous momentum.

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