©2016-2019 RavenCorona - @ravencorona

Write a story or poem set during this battle
Spider bot
Rhett sighted Nightshade on another Spiderbot squeezing the trigger and watching with satisfaction as it’s abdomen explodes in sparks. Quickly she sighted another and another each shot followed by the sizzle of electricty. The planet’s suface was crawling with eight legged robot. Each bot had a singular glowing red eye. Rhett knew robots didn’t have emotions but she would swear those eyes showed malice. Another pop and sizzle. Her mind raced to do the math on energy rounds versus bots. In her ear she heard Whisper rattle off the amount of ammuntion and variety of explosives Rhett had at her disposal. Whisper never said how but she knew Whisper was reading her mind some how. Rhett didn’t care. She would share anything with any of her sisters.