Inspired by Maranda Quinn
Write a poem centred around the theme of destruction.
Loving like hunger
TW: cannibalism?????
this is something i wrote a few weeks ago and i saw this prompt and i LOVED IT so yeah. enjoy :D
I want to kiss you like i’m eating
To devour and savor you
Taste the insides of your cheeks as if they were lined with jam or honey
Pull away at you forcefully
lift you up on the counter and have your hands rip at my ribs
Have nails digging into each other the parts that we love most
More than just nibbles on the ear
i’d let you bite it off
make a vow to me only to be gentle with my heart once you rip it out
bites line my shoulders and arms trying to reach sweet nectary water
red rivers spout like oil in canine shaped holes
please darling monster won’t you do more
rattle around the soul between my bones
i don’t mind how much you dig into my hips do not be kind
consume me whole
until there is nothing left