Where Am I?

Ba- thump, Ba-thump,Ba-thump, Ba-thump—

The sound of my heart beat ringing in my ears, the sound of the wilderness and wind blowing in the trees, the sensation of blood flowing down my face.

Disoriented and dizzy as I gasp sharply in my wake, my consciousness returning to me like a tsunami wave clashing down onto shore, my eyes flickering around as I quickly prompted myself up off the tree groggily, ragged breaths exiting from my lips. “What… the..—“

Suddenly chills whenever up my spine as I felt eyes on me, in a panic I looked around as fear seeped into my veins.

Not sure when I started running but the feeling of my legs moving at a rapid pace reminded me that I was, panting heavily as my heart pounded in my chest, a mixture of sweat and blood trickling down my forehead, the entire forest screaming unsafe, every turn and every path I too felt like I was going in circles.

“Am I losing my mind? Am I loosing my mind?” Muttering under my breath as the chill seemed to follow me around, looming in the shadows of the dark forest, where… am I?

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