Late For Work

“Are you kidding me!” “What’s up with this elevator?” The elevator had arrived at the third floor, but the doors would not open. Abigail rapidly paced around the elevator. “That’s not gonna help us get out of here.” Pete said sarcastically. “Well, then get us out of this dang elevator!” He rolled his eyes as Abigail finished her tantrum. “What are you so mad about anyway? At least we’re stuck in here together.” Pete watched Abigail intently to figure out her next move. “If I’m late to work, then I’ll lose my job.”

Abigail began to fidget with her hands. The walls felt as if they were moving closer. “I’m starting to get really claustrophobic.” She expressed as she frantically ran her hand throughout her golden hair. “That’s hilarious!” Pete chuckled loudly and then quickly apologized when he noticed Abigail’s antagonizing gaze. “That’s not funny, Pete!” Pete had a knack for making jokes at the wrong time.

Abigail decided to get her revenge by smacking Pete’s arm. As she reached for his arm, the lights began to flicker. “Ouch, I promise I was just kidding Abby.” Pete winced in pain, while Abby smiled proudly. The lights shut off.

Creek! The lift made a loud screeching sound. Frightened, Abigail leaped into Pete’s arms. “Sorry, I’ll move.” Abigail prepared to move to the other side of the elevator. Pete refused to let her go. “What are you doing?” “Let me out!” She demanded. “We need to find a way out of here!” “Abby, chill. There’s no where to go right now.” A tear rolled down her face. “Would you like me to hug you? Pete turned red. “It might help you feel better.” “Sure.” Abigail shrugged her shoulders. After a few minutes of silence, she began to relax.

The pair snuggled in each other’s embrace. It was something that they had desired for a while.

Abigail often felt alone and undervalued with others. Yet, she never felt that way with Pete. He appreciated all of her efforts, listened to all her stories, and often helped dry her tears.

Pete was popular, but was also lonely. He never got invited to parties like the other students. People only paid attention to him when he made a touchdown. Abigail was the first person to invite him to a party. Both students went to the party and became best friends.

Abigail noticed Pete’s long gaze and glanced down. Her tense expression was now calm. “Nice shoes you’re wearing, when’d you get those?” “Don’t try to change the subject Abby.” Pete pulled Abigail into a deeper hug. The elevator was extremely quiet. The previously hectic atmosphere, was now peaceful and loving.

The pair shared an extensive glance and slowly leaned into each other’s embrace. “Wow, you’re a really good kisser.” Abigail smirked. “You want another one?” Pete giggled and kissed her once again. The lights turned back on. An electrician opened up the compressed doors. “Hey, uh, sorry to interrupt but you’re good to go now.” The couple blushed and hurried out the door.

Pete sighed, “Sorry about your job.” “Today didn’t turn out the way that you expected.” Pete turned his face away from her. He was still flustered from the kiss. “It’s okay, I’ll figure something out.” There was a long pause between the two. “I couldn’t have asked for a better day.” She whispered. He smiled. She nervously ruffled his hair and pecked him on the lips.

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