Dear Oh Dear

Dear wind, how you save me in times of trouble. Lending me your breeze and blowing away my worries. Bringing a cool jumpstart to my day and allowing me to be just as I am. Supplying breath and allowing me to fill my lungs with your sweet sentiments.

Dear sky, you are ever changing. Blue and beautiful. Dark and deep. Weeping and letting your sorrow fall around me. I gaze up often and think how lucky I am to see you. To watch you grow and change. All the times I have looked up in prayer has been to you.

Dear birds, your songs bring me hope. Memories rushing back from my childhood. Sitting and watching the birds eat and bathe and play. I can recall the sound and smell of being little and safe.

Dear earth, all around me. How I wish to be swallowed whole by you. To sink deep into the dark soil and be planted there till the end of time. How lovely an ending that could be.

Yet I sit here and romanticize you. Embracing your ever changing temperament. Falling in love with all that is you. Which really in the end is who I am and who I will become.

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