
My candy basket was empty and I wanted that to change, so pulling my mask down, I stepped out the door. The chill on the back of my neck was odd because the air was warm. Suddenly the houses tilted left, beckoning me to step that direction. My feet almost pulled me to that strange house at the end of the street. Unlit yet beckoning, I shivered as I looked up the overgrown walkway. She, or I think it was a she, sat on an oddly shaped stool, shaggy hound at her side, bag of goodies in hand, waiting, waiting for me. My insides went to water as my feet dragged me along the slippery stones, closer, ever closer toward her frozen grin. “Candy?”, she asked through curled lips. Mine were frozen so all I could do was hold out my basket. From her bag poured . . . Then I woke.
