The Golden Sapphire Necklace

The day was ordinary in every way. The air was cool and crisp, the birds were singing and people were rushing to work. But for Reilly, it was just another day.

She followed her usual morning routine of making a Chai Latte with spinach eggs and toast, cuddling her fluffy white cat, and picking out an outfit that would make her feel fabulous. Today, she chose a flowing white blouse, fitted jeans, and neon pink pumps, paired with her favorite golden necklace. This necklace was the only thing she had from her birth mother, who abandoned her as a child and left her in foster care. It had a beautiful Sapphire stone in the middle, surrounded by tiny pearls that perfectly enhanced the stone.

As she stepped out of her door, Reilly felt a strange sensation that today was going to be a special day. She had a sixth sense for these things and couldn't help but smile to herself as she made her way to work.

Reilly knew everyone on her block, from the homeless man who catcalled her every morning, to the local donut baker with the best donuts in town, and the sweet couple who owned her favorite thrift store. She would always make her rounds, saying hello to everyone. But as she walked past an older woman, something caught her eye. The woman was stunning and seemed to stand out in the crowd. They exchanged a double take, and Reilly noticed that the woman was wearing the same golden necklace with a Sapphire stone in the middle, surrounded by tiny pearls that perfectly enhanced the stone.

Reilly and the woman locked eyes, and for a moment, it felt like they knew each other from another lifetime. Reilly couldn't help but wonder if this was her mother.
