Submitted by pennomoly

Write a heartfelt poem to someone who doesn’t know they had an impact on you, telling them anonymously how they made a difference in your life.

For E

A little boy

Short and Scrawny

Hair as red as fire.

Like my brother.

A sweet crooked smile

A contagious laugh

This little boy

Went by many names






All of which weren’t this little boy’s name

The way he could change the mood of a room

The way he could ignite a trail laughter

The way he loved and laughed.

The way he twirled.

The sharpie tattoo I wrote on his shoulder

The way his sister wrote one too.

Everyone lining up, smiling to write on his arms

The way he smiled too.

This little boy

had a way to be the center of every room

No matter where.

He was making everyone laugh.

And he still will.

For E

And his sisters too

Nothing could make me forget the importance

Of him.

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