Waterfall of Hope

We had been travelling for two weeks straight. Barely stopping to hunt to eat, never stopping to bathe and rarely stopping for relief. But we needed to make time and as it was, we were losing it more than gaining anyway, but stopping was not an option.

Mid second week, I had had enough. The city would continue to burn regardless if we were there or not and without my powers, I wasnt sure how useful I would be. So when I heard the loud pounding of a waterfall I immediately directed my horse to the thundering noise and when we finally approached it, I was awe strucken.

This beautiful huge waterfall tucked in a little corner of cliffs, in my kingdom. A hidden gem that seemed completely untouched. I couldnt get over how big it was. It beckoned me, my inner core that held my magic thrummed to feel the energy radiating off it. Perhaps this could be a trigger and my magic would return or awaken from being dormant.

“Thats a lot of rain. I dont think the cities burning anymore if the waterfall is this heavy” my Captain of the guard spoke up and I took in his words.

I swung my leg around and jumped off my horse and made quick work to strip down to my under garmets and sprint to the water so I could jump in.

The others werent far behind and with this waterfall of hope we spent the afternoon in the water and the night falling asleep to the sound of the gushing stream.

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