“But I forgot my pants!”

Write a story that closes with this exact line. It does not have to be humorous, but the line must fit into the scene without being forced!

Something Missing

I was rushing to pack a go bag for my short vacation but I kept getting distracted by my husband and my mother both demanding things from me. I had to put dinner on the table, I had reach for something for my mom, and the dog was begging to go out.

I tried to remain calm and collected, but time was running away from me and I felt a little stressed. At last I zipped up my bag and hurried to the car. I forced myself to drive at the speed limit.

I was relieved when I pulled into the parking lot of the hotel where the conference was. I checked in and collapsed on the bed.

After a long moment, I stood up and started to unpack. I rummaged through my suitcase but to my dismay noticed something was missing.

“But I forgot my pants!” I half screamed. Now I only had one outfit to wear- my dress.

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