
**_ Earlier 03/26/24

_**** “You didn’t know did you?”**

** “You didn’t know I’d be like this **

** did you?”**

** “You didn’t think I would grow up did**

** you?”**

** “You didn’t think I would cry on my **

** birthday did you?”**

** “You didn’t think I could **

** change so much did you?”**

** “You didn’t think I would cut my**

** hair did you?”**

** “You didn’t stop to think when **

** you let me go to school I would want**

** to be?”**

** “You didn’t see changing me & growing up **

** did you?”**

** “You didn’t think when we ate ice cream,**

** it would be the last.”**

** “You didn’t wish to stop and take a **

** picture did you?”**

** “You didn’t see me leaving your life **

** did you?”**

** “You didn’t see me or think about me **

** did you?”**

** “Because you weren’t there were you?”**

Shoutout to my broken family

Another thing but from French class though.

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