Write an ABC poem about a day in the life of an animal.
The lines of an ABC poem begin with different letters of the alphabet, progressing through alphabetical order, although the poem does not have to start at A.
Start ABC
A start is standard concept
But a huge struggle
Complicated concept, contrasted
Due to its very nature
Everything began at one point
Final to exist
Grand phenomena is daily matter
Having been reused in every juncture
Inventions are inductions
Joining gears to become new
Kindred spirits sharing laughter
Laughter made me us anew
Maybe what will exist was made
Nothing lost in time and place
Only music from our tounges
Portioned atoms drawn from space
Questions quieted from answers
Reverberated from the very start
Since what becomes question or answers
Took avenue from the same heart
Universal tandem
Venues veen from the core
Wonder why you matter on this earth?
X out the question
Zoom into the matter you are,
And realize life started with YOUR invention
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