Nothing leftover

Heat fills my bones as I hold it in my hands. Empty, desolate, nothing remaining but the memory of what once was. I throw it to the side and snarl in disgust as a tear trickles down my cheek.

“How could she,” I hiss as I glare up the stairs. Slowly, I ascend, plotting my revenge. “She has to pay for what she’s done.”

As I get to her door I stare at her posters taunting me. “I bet she doesn’t even know. I bet she’s just in there stupid and happy. She doesn’t even understand what she’s done.” My fists clench and I slam them against the door.




The door creeks open. “Oh, hey! How’s it goin?” She jubilantly says.

“HEY?!” I yell back and shove her to the floor. “How could you? I trusted you, I share my home with you, my fridge, everything! I’ve only ever asked one thing of you, ONE. And you betray me. In all the time we’ve lived together is that single rule meaningless? You know better than to touch my damn leftovers!” I spin on my heels and start to walk out the door. At the last minute my eyes narrow, my head pivots, and I sneer, “you’ll get what you deserve; I’ll make just of it.”

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