You slide the bag across the table, the hooded figure opposite you peers inside. "Where the hell did you find this?!"
Continue this dialogue.
The End
Day 1:
I hate alarms, but you’d think after 1 year we’d get used to it. We all wake up hearing the alarm blaring, Wyatt yells out “ someone or something is here! Channing snaps back “ nah it’s the ice cream man”! I yell at them “to shut up”! “While you guys are bricking I’m heading to the west gate Wyatt, and Lincoln head to the east, me and gabby will head to the north gate, while Elena and Channing head to the south. Landon runs up and announced “ I looked on the cams and no one’s here”. “ It’s at false alarm”. I radio the guys and tell “them that’s it’s a false alarm, and to head back, a few minutes later everyone back at the base”. Once everyone back at the base Aiden’s asks “ now that’s over, can I go back to bed”? Wyatt began to die of laughter and to that the boys head to bed but I stay wake thinking about why the alarm went off.
Day 2:
We all wake to the sound of thunder I decided to make food for everyone I make eggs and toast and then I wake up Landon and Gabby, Wyatt, Channing, Damien, and Aiden, also Lincoln, then I decide to take a walk, but as soon as, I recognize the sound I understand the sound isn’t thunder or rain it’s zombies. I yell at the boys that “ they’re here”. I hear running and movement were my friends are so, I run done with them, as so as I recall what’s happening I Begin to pack everything and after 10 minutes of getting ready, I gather everyone up and go over the plan, “ Wyatt and Damien will run as the bait, then me and Gabby will come in as backup killing as many zombies as we can, then the rest of you will run to the car”. “Ok”, they all say “yes”. Then we get ready we load the rest of the supplies into bags then Wyatt and Damien run out, and then 2 seconds later me and Gabby head out and attack all the zombies leaving no survivors, afterwards we all check to make sure no one’s bit, we all load into the truck, which when we first stole it was Red but now it’s almost white. We decided to just drive around and after a bit we find an old, abandoned house with a lot of wood and fencing around the property. I go in first to check for Zombies, and nothings there so we head inside. After a bit we decided that we didn’t like the area, so we left, about an hour later, we found a old Dunkin' Donuts and decided to camp out there, and we all agreed to just go to bed and with that we fell asleep.
Day 3:
To my surprise, the zombies found us, and we hurriedly left the Dunkin’ Donuts and went to the old house after a bit, we decided to head to a nearby park to hang out at, then head to our base. Once we got to the base we decided that we have 2 choices, 1. Stay here and risk being found by the Zombies, 2. Find and get a new base. So we decided to have a vote “if you don’t wanna move say I”, “I”, “I”, realizing that most people didn’t say “I” I responded with “ok, well that seems like the answer”. So little, by little we began to pack up, and once I made sure I wasn’t the only one who could drive, me and Wyatt, the only 2 people who could drive, picked our cars, me with the Truck, Wyatt with the Explorer, we packed up our gear and items, before Aiden got into the Explorer he, ran over to Landon and whispered him “wanna know a fun fact, wombat poop is square”. And to that we had our last night sleeping at our base.