I Say My Farewell

Life is a constant.

It goes on and on and on

Even if it’s witnesses don’t.

This is a needle in my side, relieving me of pressure while also paining me.

The tears I shed are over a loss I’ve not yet suffered

But please, offer your condolences.

I sit here writing while the sun burns my skin

I try and make metaphors

Out of the ordinary

A pretentious I label as profound, so do others.

This life’s been beautiful

The stone underneath holds me up

Proving a point

Seen as stability is beautiful

Isn’t it?

I see this perfection

Flawed though it is

And well, it overwhelms me.

I feel the need flood me

Poeticise this shan’t I

I cross my arms in a prayer, for my salvation

One day

One day

One day

I intend to die by my own doing

I look up, the sun humms

Todays the day

Oh and the sky has never looked so blue.

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