Submitted by Oralie Penderwick
'She stared at me for a moment, then plunged the knife into my stomach.'
Write a story containing this line, whether you build up to it, or go from it.
“You!” She exclaimed, her anger ringing throughout the halls.
The urge to run is high but it’s pointless as there’s no way to outrun her and there are no more places to hide. I gave her a look of neutrality, hoping that maybe she’d have mercy on me but I knew she wouldn’t. She never did.
She grabbed my arm, harshly pulling me into our bedroom. Releasing my arm, she pointed to a spot in the middle of the floor. I walked, ever so obedient but she knows it’s a facade. Once there, she moved to pull her mirror in front of me, ordering me to stare at its reflection. It wasn't my reflection I saw. No, instead, I saw five figures all young and of various ages holding onto the very wand that would be the kingdom’s salvation. I smiled, ripping off my placating mask.
“How dare you, Gareth?!” She screeched, her body shaking. “After all I’ve done for you!”
I took a deep breath. “What evidence do you have that proves I'm a part of this?”
“Your horrifying glee should be enough evidence but you and I both know that only you know the location of the wand that granted me my powers.”
“Not anymore, it seems.”
She pulled her mirror away, placing it back where it belonged which is by the bed we’ve spent years sharing. A bed that I had come to hate.
“Why are you doing this?” She said, turning to me with pleading eyes so similar to the ones I used to love.
If I stared long enough maybe I would’ve caught sight of the light that I used to see in her dance once again. I looked away, knowing that the one I loved had disappeared so long ago.
Years ago, well, more like centuries ago, I fell for a girl by the name of Helena. Her heart was as sweet as a baker’s confectionary made with the utmost care. Her beauty was only second to her nature. She was everything to me. Everything between us had changed once she met a master of magic by the name of Hector. Hector was older and his sweet words felt like poison to my ears but my warnings went unheard as she continued to follow after him. Helena’s first dance with dark magic happened in our eighteenth year. Well, my first sight of it. My dog, frosting had died and I was heartbroken. One night, Helena had come to my door covered in dirt, and in her hands was frosting who barked at me with delight. I didn’t think much of it then as I was so happy to have my dog back but then it got worse. Helena’s mentor Hector had requested she do something dastardly but she had refused…at first.
She ran over to my house one night sobbing as she told me of the evil Hector requested she do.
“He wants me to take a life but I am no murderer,” she said in between sobs.
“Marry me,” I said in reply.
She pulled away from me, her expression changing from distraught to uncertain.
“Please, I’ll treat you kind and right, I swear it.”
“Would you want me to keep house?” She asked.
“Well, yes but I could try to help along with you.”
“Do you want me to birth your children?”
“I’d like a couple,” I admitted, thinking about the life I spent many nights dreaming we’d have. “A boy and a little girl maybe.”
She rubbed her hands on her dress. “When you look at me do you just see a bride and a future mother?”
“What do you mean?” I asked, confused.
“Hector offered me more. He told me I could be more. I am more,” she said, moving away from me.
“Helena, I love you.”
Helena looked at me with stern eyes that turned me to stone. “It isn’t enough.”
After that, her nature changed. She was no longer sweet or kind but only craved control. Hector had died and she kept his remains to create the frame of her mirror. Her mirror which helped her keep an eye on everyone around her. Even with all her changes I had foolishly still loved her. We had a small wedding where our only attendants were reanimated corpses of my parents. Back then, I told her I was thankful for her gift but I couldn’t get my parents' almost lost expressions out of my mind.
It’s an expression I see often on my face whenever I see my reflection. It’s the effect Helena has on those around her.
“I gave you everything, my love!” Helena shouted, taking me away from my musings. “A son. A son to care for who you ended up raising to be weak! Is that what this is? Are you blaming me for your failures?”
“That girl is going to defeat you, Helena.”
Helena had spent her life craving power, yearning for it but even after acquiring a kingdom it wasn’t enough. Now, years later, kids show up on our doorstep ready to take her down and the girl who led them… looked like the spitting image of our son who had run away from home years ago.
“Is she?” Helena spatted, and a cackle rumbled after.
I looked back at her, watching as she moved towards a sharp knife placed on a tray. Earlier, I used it to carve the meat I devoured for breakfast but now it seems it’ll be used on me. Will she carve me like I’m a steak? Or will she let my death be quick?
Moving closer, she eyed me like a prowler hungry for the hunt. The knife in her hand was visible. I didn’t move. Frozen. She, however, moved closer to me until we were inches apart and then she tried to place a kiss on my lips but I turned my head. She stared at me for a moment, then plunged the knife into my stomach.