Write a romantic scene or story where one character's intense nervousness causes a problem.

Think about how people act when they're nervous, and what problems this could cause, whilst trying to link this into a romance story.

Worth The Wait

Ive loved her for the longest time. Since I first saw her. Two years ago when she walked into my families bakery.

She was was small, hungry, and cold. She had been on her own for the past four years.

She was beautiful. Her hair was long blonde and messy. Her vibrant blue eyes told a story that even after two years I have yet to figure out.

She hardly talked to me when we first met. When she did I found out her personality as just as beautiful. She was smart and funny.

After a month of us knowing each other my father was killed and we were on the run, we have been for the past two years. It became very clear to me that in this story she was the star and I was the background character, always there for the laughs, and a shoulder for her to cry on but no one ever heard my voice.

“Kane,” she said as we sat by the fire. She was shaking from the cold.

“Yes, Ella.” I said.

“Could you come closer?”I did as she told and moved closer to her, but not close enough for her she moved so close to me that she laid her head on my shoulder. I didn’t know what to do I didn’t know how to breath anymore.

“Why are you doing that?” I was able to asked.

“Do you not want me to?” She asked.

“No it’s fine,” I said.

“Kane, I know you have feeling for me, and today I realized I have feeling for you,” she said.

I wasn’t able to form words I just sat there like a fish opening and closing my mouth. She placed a kiss on my mouth. And that’s when I realized it was worth the wait.

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