Submitted by FreeFly

“I didn’t think about that.”

“You don’t think about anything.”

Write a story including this dialogue.

Save Haven II

“Huh,” Vages Black tilted his head to one side like a dog would at hearing a strange noise. “I didn’t think about that.”

I sighed looking at my partner annoyance no doubt written all over my face. “Of course not,” I replied. “You don’t think about anything.” That last part I muttered under my breath but i was pretty sure he still heard it as he looked at me.

Vages Black, brother of Noura Black is an odd character. His sister smart, kind, calm, thinks things through. Vages not so much. Vages is the embodiment of chaos so to speak. Ha can control himself when he wants. We have been partners for more years than I care to count some times but he is a good warrior, hearty and robust. Today is a normal routine scouting job for us. Making sure the keeper of the bookstore ‘Safe Have is well and the protective barrier is still standing around the store as it is not just a safe space for nerdy humans, but a refuge for all fae folk so long as they stick to the young keepers rules. This bookstore is more important more now then it ever has been in centuries with the darkness looming ever so close to home.

“Wander if the runt will come visit Rift today?” Vages asked hanging upside down on a telephone poll on the door of Safe Haven.

“Your an idiot you know that?” I replied back rolling my eyes as he started to swing back and forth then hit his head on the poll. “You know that book worm is going to show up she’s the keepers best friend.”

Vages sat up on the top of the poll and stretched his wings. “Yeah like doesn’t that seem kinda messed up too?”

“What’s messed up?” I asked flying over to the bookstore to land on the roof Vages fallowed suit.

“She’s best friends with the the girl who’s parents she killed how is that not messed up.” Vages fluffed and folded his wings as he walked to the front of the roof of the store.

“Rift didn’t have a choice the girls parents where going to kill her if Rift and your sister didn’t interfere you know that.” I walked up behind my partner and scared the area the cloud loomed over us and threatened to rain. Something was off the bookstore was too quiet to me.

Vages nodded his head in agreement to my look at him as he acted like everything was normal. “Your right I do know that Kade but what happens when our little book worm finds out about it…hell what happens when she finds out she isn’t human at all,” Vages sighed. “Michel told us not to…”

“Michel is not our High Fea Vages!” I snapped wings slightly flaring.


“Michel is a scared old troll that thinks the girl is the end of our world if her powers would reawaken…” I started ranting not paying Vages in mind. “He would have let her parents kill her if he had been there.”

“KADE!” Vages growled grabbing my arm.

“What?” I growled back. Vages pointed to the street below us. My eyes widen as I saw Rift and the girl looking panicked and out of sorts. Rift looked wounded but was still standing.

“This isn’t good.” Vages muttered spotting the dark hounds before I did.

He started to take off, but not wanting our cover to be blown a pulled him down and kneeled. “Wait.” I whispered making him kneel with me. “Give Rift a chance this is her job after all.” Just as Vages was about to protest we watched the two females run straight in to Safe Haven, and the two us dare not make a sound until we knew every last hound had given up on getting in to the store.

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