
For the first time, I felt the organ in my chest move. Beat. React. It seemed ethereal. The way he sat, how the sun perfectly caught the strands of blonde in his hair, making it appear to glow. His grey eyes, with flecks of every color imaginable. Making them seem deep, but soft, comforting. He held an entire world in his eyes and it was enchanting. He held an entire world in his eyes alone, then he looked at me. He stared, as if by some gravitational force, he couldn’t look away. Those warm, comforting eyes suddenly started to look cold, with malice in his new glare. I felt isolated, the rest of the room fading to black apart from him and I. He started to fade into the blackness as well, and I reached. Longing for his gentle gaze again. Everything was black, and it was cold. It was the first time I’d felt the organ in my chest move. And just like that, it stopped.

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