Submitted by Mel Davies

Write a fantasy story about a character and their animal companion who turns out to be their shapeshifting enemy.

The Sly And The Naive.

One day while walking through the forest, I found a fox who looked hurt and scared. I decided to take the fox home with me, treating its wounds and giving it snacks. It was wary of me at first, always bearing its fangs and huddling in a corner, but it soon warmed up to me, letting me pet it and play with it.

We went everywhere together, rarely leaving each other's side. However, sometimes there would be nights where it would leave and not come back for a few days.

Sometimes I’d catch glances of it when it wasn’t looking. It looked sad as if it had something bothering it, but I could never figure out what, as It could not communicate with me.

Then one day, we were walking in the forest, to pick flowers to make flower crowns. It seemed very insistent on bringing me somewhere, so I followed. It led me to a cave, which was weird as I never heard of flowers that grew in them. We’d enter and I'd suddenly lose sight of the fox and start to look around. As I went deeper into the cave, I saw it, a pack of wolves.

They hadn’t noticed me, so I tried to slowly back out of the cave, but then felt a sharp pain hit my back, causing me to fall to the ground as I looked back and saw the fox. The smell of blood slowly drew the wolves' attention as they sniffed around. I stared at the little fox in confusion. Did it lead me here knowing there were wolves? But why? I had been so kind to it. I watched it morph into a wolf, staring at me for a while before letting out a howl. Then it hit me, those familiar greenish-yellow eyes of someone I thought died long ago, it was her.

I watched as she howled, catching the attention of the other wolves before she morphed back into a fox and ran off. As I watched her run off, too injured to move as I heard the sound of movement approaching me, I started to wonder how something so gentle could have such sharp claws.

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