Submitted by Margaret Sok
'The stars smiled upon us, as if they knew we’d soon join them'…
Compose a poem that opens with this line.
Hiding in the Many
The stars smiled upon us, as
If they knew we’d soon join them,
But one soul in thousands, one
Only, and it won’t be me
Would join stars above us and
Shine brightly for eternity.
The truth caught inside me, is
That I’m afraid to shine so bright.
Used to cold darkness, I am
Wary of the warmth of light.
How many watch the stars a—
—bove us in the sky at night?
I watch stars and admire
The way they glisten above.
Comparably, I’m dull but
Matte is also what I love.
And if I shown, I’d hide behind
A star I would fall short of.
Don’t pity me, I’m happy
As I stand here on the ground,
Watching stars in the night sky
With the hopefuls standing round,
Being one of many lost
And of many never found.