You don't know me

Ugh... what happened? Last I remember I was walking down the alley to meet the contact. Wait, how long was I out? I blink a few times and my heads-up display flickers back to life. 30 minutes?!? That can't be right. The nanites should have had me back up and at full strength in a couple of minutes at most even if I was hit by a semi truck.

"30% power and climbing. Full strength should be available in 2 minutes" I hear the monotone voice say from the implant in my left ear.

Hold on... rope? Someone tied my hands with rope? I mean, at least they used Kevlar but still they clearly have no idea who I am. What I am.

The blindfold they put on me is a complete joke. Even without bionic eyes I would be able to see through it. For now, I keep my head down though and let my other senses do their thing.

The enhanced receptors in my nose pick up the scent of ash and ammonia -- maybe even hydrogen cyanide?. Two smokers about 6 meters slightly to the right of me. There's also an ungodly smothering of cedarwood, sage, and cinnamon coming off one of them. Really? Old Spice cologne? Did you put the whole bottle on? Gag. How did these two ever get the drop on me?

I detect the sound of tiny claws on metal scurrying in the rafters at the far end of the building I'm in. Even the rats know better than to come within 50 meters of me. Echo location tells me no one else here.

So only these two idiots watching me? A quick glance up with xray vision and I can easily make out the M9A4s each carries in their belt. One guy has his in the front -- I'm going to call him "Heads" because he clearly won't have one of them much longer carrying a gun with the safety off like that.

"Hey! She's waking up. Time to go to work" says Heads.

Ha! Work? I probably won't even break a sweat on this. "First one to tell me what you hit me with gets out of this with only a broken nose and a shattered knee cap. Their friend won't be so lucky."

The pair stop walking and I hear Heads double over laughing

"Or we can flip a coin?" I add sarcastically.

"You are some kind of stupid Lady" spits Heads. "We'll be the only ones asking questions here." And as if to emphasize his point he back-hands me.

"Coin flip it is" I reply as I feel the surge of adrenaline being pumped into my system by the battle mode activated nanites

The ropes barely hit the ground before I've smashed the chair into the right knee of Tails, snatched a broken chair leg out of the air, jabbed it into Head's skull, and planted the sole of my left boot in the face of Tails breaking his nose - as promised. Amatuer hour is over. "Tails wins" I finish flatly.

"Now, I'm only going to ask you one more time. What the fuck did you hit me with?" I demand as Tails lays writhing on the floor clutching at his bleeding nose and stiffiling a moan I assume is for his knee. I reach over and gently tap Heads on the newly installed wooden extension to his face and watch him flop backwards to the floor. "And where do you even find a wooden chair nowadays?"

It isn't until I turn to stare coldly at Tails in anticipation of his response that I see the stream of tears from his face and I notice his mouth wide open in what should be an anguished scream. For all my extra abilities, missing the fact that this one lacked a tongue is just the cherry on top of this whole shitty day.

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