Troubled Lands

“Planet 378. Journey across the universe has, so far, hardly been rewarding. At this point, I doubt extraterrestrial life exists. We found a couple of habitable planets, a few unintelligent microscopic species, but nothing ideal. It is quite unfortunate, but it seems to be the truth. Landing now. Hopefully, our luck will turn soon. Captain’s log, over.”

Captain Grundy ended his short monologue with a sigh. The solo mission he has embarked on, with the hope of revolutionising science, had been unrewarding. Even as he let the ship descend, penetrating a promising atmosphere, he dared not get his hopes up.

He almost cried out loud when he saw what seemed like intelligent life. What followed, however, made him wish he hadn’t.

These beings were oddly built, giant and ungainly. Each movement seemed violent. A group of the aliens surrounded another. The victim oozed some thick liquid from all over, screaming. In the corner stood another alien, wailing with a tiny creature held close. The tiny creature was bones and flesh- barely alive at all. The group, finished with the victim, who lay spreadeagled on the ground, something sharp sticking out from its chest. They turned to the being in the corner, who, eyes wide, screamed something in garbled gibberish. They moved to reveal even rows of white blocks set in their faces. The little alien was flung aside.

Grundy, horrified and scarred, swiftly flew the aircraft away. But wherever he went, his eyes beheld similar scenes. Violence, screaming, starving aliens, massacres, bodies of water squalid with toxins, air black with smoke, aliens fighting each other, racing to harm and suffocate their compatriots. He landed the craft. Decided to find out what this monstrosity was called. Quickly, he got out. Pulled on a suit, specially designed to morph his appearance to seem planet-appropriate. One of the most admirable developments of the twenty-third century.

He stopped to scan his surrounding. Aliens, racing away from an explosive device, rapidly leaking some noxious gas, causing excruciating pain to those it enveloped. One rushed past him. He grabbed its flailing limb. It turned back, eyes wide and red.

“What are you doing man? Run for your life!!! My wife and children were too late, and they were swallowed by the bomb! Save yourself!” Having quickly downloaded a comprehensive database of the region’s languages, he understood the man’s screams, and the urgency of the situation. However, he’d come on a mission.

“I sympathise with your grief, comrade. I have also not failed to comprehend the severity of the disaster that has befallen you… us. But before you depart, I must question you this.”

“What the hell is wrong with you man? We need to go, now!” The alien spat in its native language, tugging a blackened limb away.

“I understand. But I have but one question of you. Answer me this: what is the name of this planet?”

“Are you crazy?! Apocalypse has struck, and you want to act like a character from a sci-fi movie! We’re going to die man!”

“Pray tell me, I beg of you. I’m entirely serious.”

“Fine, I’ll humour your nonsense if you’ll let me go.” Grundy let go, and the man writhed away from him, manic in his fear.

“Earth.” He screamed, before running away.

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