Inspired by Emira
Two people from warring kingdoms have fallen in love.
If you've ever wanted to write your own take on a classic romance trope, now's your chance. Which elements of this genre will you explore to make your story unique?
It Was Never Meant To Be
Our kingdom’s have been at war for years. Neither side really ever winning, no matter how hard we push and fight. All we ever gain is more death, blood and bodies. I never understood why we couldn’t just get along, put aside our differences. But no one even listens to me, no one but him. “We’ve been over this a hundred times!” Edward whisper-shouts at me, where we’re hiding in the shadows at the border. “No one is going to listen to us!” “But we have to try!” I cry, not understanding why we can’t _try. _“If we do, we could be killed.” He says, more softly. I know this, I do. But wouldn’t it be worth it? To be heard? And maybe, just maybe, they would listen. I feel a tear slip out, and his warm hand brush it away. “I’m sorry, I really am Annalise” He says it so gently, I can hear so much pain. He slowly pulls me into a hug, his hugs are always so warm, so safe, so _right. _I wish it could be like this forever, just me and him. But we’re on to different sides of a war. Our parents would never allow it. We stay that way in each other’s arms, until we hear a guard over head and he pulls away. “We should leave,” He breaths “Before we get caught” I nod, even thought I don’t want to. He gabs my hand, and kisses it as he bows. “Until next time, Your highness” I give him a sad smile as I curtsy back. “Until next time” I repeat
I soon find myself back in the palace garden, I need to hurry and get back to my room before I get caught. I slip into the kitchen and make my way down the hall, to my bedroom. As soon as I get inside and close the door I let out a heavy breath. We can’t keep doing this, it’s getting to risky, one of us is bound to be caught. But I can’t help it, I need to see him. I shouldn’t, we’re enemies. But maybe, one day, when we’re no longer at war, things will be different.
I pull off my dress and get in the bath my servants prepared for me. After bathing and drying off, I put on my sleeping attire. I slowly make my way to my bed, worried. As I get under my covers, I pray he made it back over safely. He had to.
I wake up with the sun, as I always do. I yawn as I push my covers off of me and hang my feet over my bed. It should be breakfast soon, I should get dressed. But when I go to look for the clothes my servants always lay out for me, they’re not there. Odd. I guess I’ll have to pick them out myself, not that I mind.
After finding a dress I like, and putting it on, I put my makeup on, do my hair and get shoes. By the time I’m done it’s been over an hour, yet, no one has come in.
Soon I start making my way down to the dining room, but as I pass the throne room I hear…someone getting beat. Against my better judgment, I decide to look and see what’s going on, as soon as I do I wish I hadn’t. There on the ground, is Edward. Beaten and broken. I scream as the guard over him kicks him again. I see my father, the King look up from where he’s in the throne, smiling. _Smiling. _He’s beating the love of my live and he’s _smiling_.
“Ah! There you are my dear!” He says as I walk over, sounding so pleased with himself. “Just in time to see the punishment I have planned for our little prisoner here” I look at him disgusted. How _dare_ he. _“_We found him on our side of the border.” He says “How strange, why would he be on our side? You don’t know anything about that, would you dear?” I can feel my face pall, _He knows. How does he know? He must have seen us…oh no, oh no, no, no. _“Father-“ I start, but he cuts me off. “Did you seriously think I wouldn’t find out?” He snaps “You must think I’m a fool.” “No-no of course not-“ I can’t let him die, I can’t. “Please,” I beg “Don’t hurt him!” “Hurt him?” My Father smiles “Oh no dear, I plan to do far worse then _hurt him.” _I can feel the tears slipping out, but I can’t stop them. “Did you seriously think it would work out? Oh please, It was never meant to be.” He laughs, Oh how I want to- “Please Father I’ll do anything!” I shout, desperate. “I’m afraid there’s nothing you can do” Before I can think, he’s nodding to the guard over Edward. The Guard’s sword comes down and I scream. I scream like I’ve never screamed before. I run over to Edward, hoping, _praying,_ it’s not_ over._ I drop to_ _my knees, and slide. He’s on his back now, breathing hard. “Please-“ I choke “No, no, no. You can’t leave me, I can’t do this alone.” He gives me a sad, strained smile. “You can do it. You always could.” I sob, I can see my tears plash across his face. He takes my hand and brings it to his lips, he kisses my hand, one, final, time. He takes a slow breath, lets it out, then his hand drops, and he’s gone. I feel like a million knifes are stabbing my heart. Why. Why him. My head falls on his chest, where it would always lay when he hugged me. And I cried, and I screamed. How could this have happened? How could _I _have let this happen? Maybe, maybe my father was right, maybe, It Was Never Meant To Be.
The End.