Over The Hill

Over the hill life is a place far from here,

Where there is no sadness and darkness within.

Over the hill is a magical place,

With nymphs and fairies

All and divine.

Over the hill beauty is apparent.

Big brilliant sky’s,

And meadows of green.

Flowers in bloom

And ones in between.

Big trees

And rivers that flow,

Right between the bushes and forests.

Over the hill there is solitude.

No filth and no corruption.

Over the hill is a place only you can go.

A place filled with fantasies.

A place out of a book.

Over the hill is what everyone desires.

Where we want to go,

Where we want to be.

Over the hill is the unspoken dream.

It’s where people can be,

And nothing will leave you.

Over the hill is a place we long,

Late at nights and throughout the day because,

Over the hill is where home is.

Over the hill is home.

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