The Real Me

I was quiet, but I was not blind. That is what I want to tell people when they say I’m too shy.

I was never shy, I just had nothing to say. Nothing that was worth a person’s time.

I have always hated it when people call me too quiet. That is not what I am.

I listened to everything. I did my job. Exactly what I was supposed to.

Why should someone be mad at me for being a good student?

Did you want me to stop following the rules? I never wanted to be like the annoying kids.

I was a good kid so why was I punished for not speaking aloud in class?

Do they really want everyone to be annoying? I never thought so.

Why can’t I just be silent and be a good student? That is all I have ever wanted to be.

I have things to say, many things, but it is just not worth your time.

Not worth to say to the annoying students or those who don’t care.

No one cares what I have to say, so why should I share?

People who don’t care what I have to say do not deserve what I have to say.

I am not quiet. Quiet does not mean I wasn’t paying attention.

I listened. I saw. I understood more than the rest of them.

I always hate it when I get lower marks for not speaking up in class.

I hate being called quiet.

That is not who I am.

Anyone who calls me quiet does not know who I am.

They are just not worth the real me.

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