Through The Storm

I feel like I’m suffocating. I can’t believe someone I loved so much could do this to me.

“It wasn’t serious, you know I love you,” he says, as I stand in the doorway, seeing him in our bed with HER. She has the gall to look shocked, as if she herself isn’t my best friend and doesn’t know how much I love my husband.

“Please, please don’t be mad at me,” she pleads, rushing toward me with MY BEDSHEET wrapped around her.

The winds blow harder outside, as if screaming for me.

“I… I can’t do this right now,” I say, rubbing my belly as if my unborn daughter can witness this heinous scene.

I run out of the bedroom toward the front door, slamming it open as I hastily put on my jacket.

“Let’s just talk about this! You can’t go out in this weather!” he dares to plead, making a pathetic attempt to run after me.

The winds scream louder.

The sky cries.

My heart thumps wildly as I run farther and farther away from my heartbreak.






I run until my legs can’t carry me any further. The storm rages around me, but I don’t care. I collapse onto the wet grass, the rain mixing with my tears. The cold ground is a stark contrast to the fiery pain in my chest.

As I lie there, sprawled out in the grass, staring up at the stormy sky, I feel a strange sense of calm wash over me. The wind howls, and the rain pours down, but for a moment, I am numb.

I place a hand on my belly, feeling the life growing inside me. “I’m sorry you had to be part of this,” I whisper. “But we will get through this. I promise.”

With that vow, I find the strength to sit up. The storm begins to wane, and the first hint of dawn peeks through the clouds. It’s a new day, and despite everything, I know I must keep going.

For her, I will rise. For her, I will find a way.

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