Europe 1314

Once upon a time a long time ago, in the year 1314 to be exact, there lived a husband and a wife, Hans and Greta and their two children.

It was the year of the great famine. The crops had died and there was nothing to eat. Nothing. People were starving. Dropping like flies.

How do you explain to someone who has always had a full belly what starvation feels like? When you are so hungry you would do anything to stay alive. Some in the village where Hans and Greta lived had taken to digging bodies out of the graveyard to eat the corpses.

Hans and Greta knew they didn’t have enough food to last the winter. They knew they were all going to perish. They talked in hushed voices in the dead of the night about what they could do. The little boy Hansel overheard them despite their best efforts. And he heard their plans so he collected stones in secret.

Hans and Greta woke the children in the morning and dressed them warmly. They took them deep into a nearby forest and left them there.

“Don’t worry, we’ve at least given them a chance to survive. We would have all perished, had they stayed. “ Hans said

“Yes, and next year when the crops are better, we may have more children.” Greta replied

However at nightfall, who should come out of the forest but little Hansel, and little Gretel following behind. Hansel had secretly dropped stones along the way so they could find their way home.

Hans and Greta glanced at one another. Their plan had been foiled.

The next day Hans and Greta took their children even deeper into the forest. Hans had not realised soon enough, so hadn’t collected any stones this time.

Hans and Greta emerged from the forest alone, being sure the children would not return any time soon.

Days turned into weeks and then into a month. The winter was over and food became abundant once more. Just in time for Hans and Greta. They were a sorry sight, all skin and bones. They were so weak and had survived on mere morsels of food.

And miraculously when the snow had melted, Hansel appeared coming out of the forest and little Gretel was following behind. They too were not in the best of health but had survived in the forest.

Hans and Greta were overjoyed at seeing their children again as the children could help Hans and Greta while their health improved and they could all spend a beautiful spring, summer and autumn together.

“See, I knew we made the right decision. Those neighbours in our village, who ate their children out of desperation and hunger now have no-one to help them now.”

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