Create a scene where your protagonist is anticipating a significant event, but there are multiple delays.
Use these delays to practice building suspense and anticipation for the reader.
Huff And Puff
“Boss ain’t gonna be happy, Chief,” Fang said.
“Thanks for the news, numb nuts,” Wolfgang answered.
Geri and Freki, Wolfgang’s left and right claws, snarled their disapproval at Fang. He showed his neck in deference before slinking away. Lupita hurried into the living room with a six pack of cold beer and a heaping tray of roast beef sandwiches. With an impatient head shake, Wolfgang sent her away. Lupita tended to the twins. Wolfgang’s stomach ached with anxiety.
Wolfgang was sure he would’ve found Percy by now. He was a flipping DJ, for all the gods’ sake. The boss Lupine Black couldn’t afford to be seen getting bested by a DJ. Wolfgang had greased the local constabulary to funnel information his way. He made it rain for all the stool pigeons but there was no good intel. He sent Geri and Freki to persuade Percy’s kin, the Piggs, to cooperate. They blasted his brother’s house and broke his daddy’s arm, still no good intel. Percy was a damned ghost.
Lupita was back. Her sweet fingers gently pulled off Wolfgang’s jacket. He stank of smoke and fear sweat. Someone, maybe this Percy, fire bombed two of Black’s strip clubs and their warehouse of counterfeit goods was burned to ash. Wolfgang downed the greyhound that somehow appeared in front of him. Damn, Lupita was good. Legs wobbly, Wolfgang headed to the boss’s office.
“Papi, they’re in the sauna,” Lupita said.
As one the twins stood to follow him. Wolfgang smiled. Geri was tall and lean with spiked white blonde hair and a ready grin; Freki was built like a bald redheaded refrigerator and a bit too literal but they were loyal, a rare trait among bad guys. He motioned for the siblings to sit back down.
“Rest and eat. Thanks, Claws, but this is mine to carry. Lupita treat them right,” Wolfgang said over his shoulder. He ignored his henchmen’s grumbling and headed deeper into Lupine’s lair.
Fang and Ashina guarded the steam room door.
Fang tapped on the door to alert the boss and his mate. Ashina blocked the beta’s path.
“Who goes there? The boss is waiting for Wolfgang, the second in command who always delivers. Who are you?” Ashina sassed.
Lightning fast, Wolfgang seized the guard by her supple neck one handed. He lifted Ashina until her feet kicked and her hands scratched at his hold. Fang looked away. Wolfgang moved her aside and dropped her on floor. Coughing, Ashina rolled into a fighting stance. Without a glance, Wolfgang opened the door and stepped inside.
“You make us wait while you play with female?” Tala, the boss’s mate, asked.
Lined in cedar with willow baskets of eucalyptus, the sauna was hotter than hell. Leaning forward his face shrouded in gunmetal grey long hair, Lupine sat motionless. And naked. Propped on her elbow, Tala, also naked, lay across the bench her feet in her mate’s lap.
“Never, ma’am, my heart is yours,” Wolfgang said. “And Lupine’s.”
Tala purred and flexed. The beta stood and waited. Sweat ran in rivulets down Wolfgang face and back. Lupine lifted a scarred face and stared at the heater in the center of the sauna. Wolfgang pressed his palm to the metal grate till his flesh sizzled. Lupine nodded and Wolfgang removed his burnt hand. Lupine lowered his head.
“Get patched up and get that Pigg sister from the stash house. We have to find who’s behind this disrespect. We’ll make pretty Pearl squeal,” Tala said.
Wolfgang showed his neck in deference and walked out.