Write a story where the written word, in any form, is outlawed.
Rather than focusing on why text is outlawed, try to build a story that highlights one aspect of this world. Think about how often we see words written down, and how the world would look without them.
The Protest
Nora and her friend Jamie were walking down the side walk that let to there usual cafe.
“The rest of the world must think we are insane! Outlawing written word, like what?!” Outraged Nora
“Girl you’ve got to relax, it’s already been a year since it was made official.” Jamie responded
“Yeah but today is the day the all written word’s we’re finally, I don’t know what word would you use for that?”
“Eradicated?” Jamie volunteered
“Yes! Eradicated. Today is the day the all written word was finally eradicated in the US. And its not like we can go anywhere, what with every other country closing there borders to US citizens. It’s bull shit!” Nora complained
“I know” said a resigned Jamie opening the cafes door.
“Hey girls” called one of the workers (who happened to be the person who completed their treo)
“Hi Tim” the girls said walking towards the counter,
“Would you like to take a LOOK” he emphasized the word look “at our entirety word free, picture only menu?” He joked
“Oh, don’t get her started.” Jamie said rolling her eyes
“What?” Tim questioned
“Oh you know, just Nora going on another one of her world famous rants” Jaime said, Nora punched her arm
“I’m aloud to be mad” Nora respond angrily. Tim rested his head on his hand, and he shook his head.
“You know, the name Nora really just doesn’t suit you.” He said, Nora groaned, and Jamie laughed
“Now your just egging her on.”
“Excuse me!” Said an uptight woman behind them “are you going to order?”
“Yeah, lady sorry” said Nora rolling her eyes,
“Iced coffee?” Tim said pointing to Nora, “you know me” she responded
“And a latte?” He said pointing to Jamie “Yep” she said.
The girls sat down at there usually window booth in the back corner and continued to talk about the next school year. How that had to video every thing instead of take notes. How there was a bunch of tv’s and tablets on the walls instead of posters for cubs and groups. And how being a musician was one of the highest paying jobs because lyrics are one of the easiest things to remember. Lin-Manuel Miranda was one the richest men in the world because he was teaching how to sing and “Wright” music, and he was creating a LOT of educational musicals such as ‘The Periodic’s’ ‘Washington’ and ‘Hitlers Men’.
Ten minutes later Tim came and sat down, pushing Jamie over and sitting down.
“So, what are we talking about?”
“Nora’s favorite subject to start an argument” Jamie said
“Outlawed written word?” Tim asked turning to Jamie.
“Yep.” Jamie sighed
“Can we please change the subject?!” Tim snapped, an unusual reaction for him. Both the girls exchanged looks and the Nora said
“So, any luck with you coworker?”
Tim sighed, “No, I was about to ask him out but then Karen came in and was, well she was a Karen” Jamie patted him on the back and Nora said
“You’ll figure it out” then out of nowhere a big bang when off outside all of there heads turned to look at the street, hundreds of people were running, no, they were protesting, they had signs that said “we need written word” “reading is out right” “you can’t force us into submission” there were fires and buildings were being broken. Nora immediate stood up and ran to the door.
“Where are you going?” Jamie and Tim said together.
“I have to help, I need to join” and with that she open the door and joined the march. Tim and Jamie looked at each other and they both knew that they were thing the same thing ‘she is crazy, but we can’t leave her’ and they followed they’re friend out side.
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