Start your story in the middle of an action-packed or emotionally charged scene.
Use this technique to immediately hook the reader, then fill in necessary backstory later.
Revenge Of The Bad Date
“Well, I’m _disgusted_ that I ever even thought liked you! I used to think you were so cute and charismatic, surrounded by everyone half the time, that you must have a great personality if so many people liked you! But now all I see is how brainless and shallow you really are! Your not even that handsome! You’re a spoiled, copy-paste version of all the other idiotic guys out there and I- Ugg-I just can’t _believe_ you! And now I’m going to die here with you and you’ll be the last, grotesque face I _ever see!”_
The echo of my frustration bounces around the echoing tunnel, water sloshing around me as I wave my arms to convey extra amounts of hatred. I hope it stings when I finally say it. I hope he sees the streams of tears on my face and hates himself too.
“Well I’ll tell you I never wanted to know you either! In fact, when you asked me out, I only said yes because I felt bad for you! Your hear that! I pittied you!” He shoves his finger in my face. “Sitting all by yourself most of the time, never talking to anyone, I thought maybe you were just shy! But no, it’s just that you’re a heartless jerk who pushes everyone who has ever considered you might make a good friend away. So call me shallow, but don’t call me spoiled and selfish until you’ve taken a damned look in the mirror, Pansy!” He shouts back, practically spitting in my face.
He turns around and continues walking through the knee high water, his flashlight waving around as he goes. Then he stops and whirls back to me.
“You are the most narcissistic, bullshity, self absorbed, self centered, intitled, bratty date I’ve ever had! I was trying to do something nice for you, taking you out to see the caverns, but you only complained to me the whole way here, and now you blame me for getting us stuck?! I wouldn’t be surprised if you stayed single the rest of your life!”
I sputter at his absolute audacity. He thinks he knows me after one damned night, after seeing me at my worst, he thinks he knows me! I nearly stumble as a march through the water still spilling in from the entrance where we entered.
“You cannot just pin all this negativity on my, you asshole! You finally come face to face with someone who you can’t throw money at to make them like you, and you entirely turn on me like you’ve never done a wrong thing, like you’re a saint!”
The flashlight swings around and points at my face like an interigation light.
“You take that back!” He shouts, truly angry now.
“And I wouldn’t be surprised if you bought your grades too. And you bought your way into the school, and onto the basketball team, and probably into your last girlfriends pants, while I’m at it, and-”
He shove me hard, and I fall into the water, submerged and scrambling to regain my footing.
The water stings my nose and I gulp down some too before I break the surface, which is now at my waist. My whole body is cold and icy.
“Can’t even face the truth,” I say through chattering teeth. “You’re such a coward.”
His blazing eyes bore into me before he turns and walks away.
“Good luck getting out of here alone. But it shouldn’t be be such a problem for you since that seems to be how you role,” he chuckles, but not light heartedly. “At least this grotesque face won’t be staring you down as you die. It’ll just be you.”