Submitted by Daniel Kween
A crossover between a Disney movie and a horror movie
Write a story based on this prompt
What if Cinderella Played Truth or Dare?
Walking into the “haunted” house that Darien, Ella’s boyfriend, picked for the group everyone coughed. Dust coated everything in the house and seeming to be floating in the air. It was almost ten p.m. and the group of six were desperate to have any type of fun.
“Are you trying to give me an asthma attack?” Jack asked Darien coughing between the words. Everyone ignored him, Jack was a track runner and no one has ever even seen him with an inhaler.
By the time the group got settled it was ten thirty, “Let’s play truth or dare, I brought cards!” Darien said pulling out a stack of index cards. Ella went first.
“Start a fire,” she read aloud.
“I don’t remember making that one,” Darien shrugged. He made the game late last night anyway he may have forgotten.
When Ella walked over to the fireplace a cloud puffed out right at her face.
“That’s not funny guys. I can’t see!” Ella said shrieking at a burning sensation in her eyes. Later that night the group found out Ella was blinded. They started to call her Cinderella in the hopes her mood would change. The game continued on. Next, was Samantha.
“Put on the slipper and run out,” she read. “What slipper?”
“I didn’t write that one either,” Darien said.
In big read letters YOU HAVE FIVE MINUTES was carved and a glass slipper appeared. Samantha rushed put it on.
“Is this a big joke?” Jack asked accusing Darien of scaring his girlfriend.
“I didn’t write either,” Darien replied.
Samantha ran down the stairs to get it over with, but her shoe got stuck near the top and down she fell. Down at least fifteen steps and to her death. Bones poked at her skin trying to escape. Jack ran after her tears flowing down his face. To no ones surprise his show stuck too. The momentum did not stop and down went Jack. When he reached the bottom he landed on his head. Everyone looked at the shoes that was left, somehow both of their feet were still in the shoes sliced perfectly at the ankle.
The group went back in and the house magically changed into a ballroom. With three remaining Darien took the next card. When e read it his face lost color and he turned to the wall. The five minutes sign glowed again and blood dripped down the wall. He walked to the bathroom and when he returned he had a knife. He looked at his best friend, Cole, and his girlfriend, Andi.
“I’m sorry,” Darien said. Cole and Andi couldn’t move. Darien slashed and stabbed ten times to Andi, ten times to Cole, ten times to Ella, and one to himself, in the heart.
Darien had made the cards and the words on the wall. He was a murderer and couldn’t live with it. He killed them all.