The Mother

A small dark figure dressed in robes climbed atop the cliff guarding my home. He summoned a dark power, wielding storms and treacherous waves.

I rose from the deep ocean to meet him and discern what cause had brought him to disrupt my peace. His bright red eyes flashed and a vicious smile curved his lips as he stared at something behind me. I turned to see my offspring poking his head cautiously above the water.

Fear and rage filled me as his dreadful plan was revealed. I snapped my gaze back towards him and before he could raise his limbs to strike again, I erupted my own power. Strong torrents of water spewed from every orifice I possessed. I was determined to stop him, to shield my offspring.

I sprayed another torrent towards him causing his footing to slip. The storm continued to brew around me as he retaliated, but I only grew in temper. I rose taller and summoned every ounce of strength in me to send one final force towards him. I heard his piercing scream before I watched him tumble off the cliff and into the depths below.

Relief washed over me as my surroundings slowly began to shift and the water calmed. I tucked my baby under my tentacles and held him close. For him, I would always unleash the monster within, if it meant I could be his hero.

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