When A Tree Falls In Your Back Yard

A young girl sat outside in her garden. She tends to the plants, pulling weeds, giving them water, and a hole lot of other little tasks required to properly care for the greenery all around.

Her favourite part is raspberry bushes on the edge of garden. Makes a good wall and she gets a snack out of them. Today however something odd happened as she tended to the bushes. A sound rang out. Not loud at first but it grew.

Fwoosh. Just barely missing her a tree crashed into her backyard. A small step more she’d be crushed like the not as lucky part of the wall.

A tree this old should have been cut down professionally with how much of a hazard it could have been. “The association must have missed it somehow.” She thought. “Better go get a better look for documentation peruses.”

Climbing up the withered old log she began to walk it. Find the stump find the cause, then the paper work. Not fun but it’s needed in the process.

Wow this was a tall tree. Seems like it’s gone on forever. Well not forever but far longer then this should take. She can’t even see the end with the fog that’s rolled in.

Oh wait there’s something. A tall ish thin black thing stands near what looks to be the tree stump. “They bust be who cut it down.” The girl thought. “Not even in uniform how unprofessional. Do they even work for the association. Ugh the nerve of some people.”

“You know what I’m gonna give show em why not to mess with a gardeners garden.” She thinks rolling up her sleeves Marching towards the figure. As she gets closer the figure grows taller yet as thin as they wore before but that didn’t register in the girl still thinking about her poor poor plants.

“Hey you what do you think you are doing.” She shouts towards the figure, who only stands there. “Hey you are you listening” still no response.

The girl kept marching. Wanting to give this thing a piece of her mind. Until right next to the massive dirty mop like being.

“Hey I’m talking to you.” At this point the situation dawned on her. That is one big person. Why are they just standing there.

Suddenly the thing shifted turned, a little to look at the young lady and, fwiish. The girl screamed, but no one heard her make a sound.

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