by Sans @

Write a story titled "When I Look in the Mirror".

When I Look in the Mirror...

...I see someone.

I do not know who he is.

Everyday, my friend sits next to me and tells me stories about him.

There is one story I remember the most.

Once upon a time, he dove into the waters of a faraway, frozen land to save someone.

He brought that person to land, but the waves dragged him back to sea.

It was cold.

It was so cold that his heart stopped beating.

My friend described to me what happened next, but every sentence was filled with a terrible, scratching sound.

It was painful.

It was so painful.

It was the first time that had happened.

I could not understand anything.

'It's normal,' he said. 'You still need time to acclimate.'

He smiled.

'You'll be better soon...I promise.'

He wrapped his arms around me.

The mirror fell from his lap, and it broke on the floor.

Glass was everywhere, but he did not pick it up.

He stayed with me, with his head on my shoulder.

I think he cried.

I think he fell asleep.

He woke up the next day.

He brought in a new mirror and showed it to me.

Then, he smiled and told me another story about the man in the mirror.

And that was the end of it.

I really liked the story.

Even though I could not understand anything, I really liked it.

I do not know why.

I just really liked it.

All of his stories are good, but I liked that one the most.

He is very verbose with his words, and his smile is really pretty.

He is kind when he talks to me, and he can make anything sound interesting.

Although I liked that story the most, all of his stories are good.

I wnat to hear more of his stories.

Maybe une day, I wille be able to tel him my own story.

I hope taht hapns soone.

Buut four niow, i jsut want tu liesten to him.

his stroies maike me hiappy.

i relaiy likew his srtories.

bxut he teils me hteh tsoeries.

dueis thsijs meiane tahta he amkes mye hapeoy?



he maeks mie hapeyi.

i rekaly leiek him

i reaiye lejskei him

i raelzxsy liwxke him

i leikeczkx him

i liezcxqkecxa him

i him



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