Inspired by Kail Cleo

Create a story by writing multiple diary entries from your character (or multiple characters intertwined).

Try to make each entry build from the last to add to the storyline. If you switch perspective, make it clear that it's someone else's journal.

Anyones Game

January 28, 2079

It was all a normal day. Get to the Quick N Go, clock in, then work the day. I remember the sirens singing in the streets as I walked to work that morning. I thought nothing of it.

The first hour was slow. Only a few costumers walked in at a time buying needless junk like chips or sodas.

But then came the second hour. It was the oddest thing and yet I could see it coming from a mile away. As the clock hit 12:00 exactly, a band of men rushed onto the streets toward the gas station shop. Through the window I watched as the masked men ran nearer to the door.

It wasn’t that I had never been robbed before. That was the oddest thing about it. The men stormed in, I counted around 5, and they ran to the counter. Right away I went to the register, ready to grab all of the money I could afford to lose.

All of the men rushed for the counter. I couldn’t take my eyes off of their colorful masks. They wore white face masks with stripes of green and blue running across them. That was when the first man pulled out his gun and aimed it to my heart.

“I’ll get you the money” I assured, turning back to the counter.

“We don’t need money,” the masked figure shouted. “Just you,”

January 27, 2079

“You get in, get him, then get out,” Patrick ordered.

I nodded then grabbed for the colorful mask on the table. I was ready for the job tomorrow, although he didn’t know the use of it. Why would Patrick want his multimillion dollar corporation of criminals kidnap a random man from the station store?

No matter if I didn’t understand, an order was an order.

Just like that I was walking out of the dimly lit room. My sidearm felt heavy on my hip as I made it to my small dorm. The lights were all barely lit, adding to the eerie feeling.

I remember a chill crawling down my spine as I thought about tomorrow’s job. But no matter what, I’d get it done.

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