My Uncle

My uncle wasn’t a bad man. He was just not understood very well it didn’t help that he had a weird sense of humor. He also had a different view on life and people. My uncle was a man who liked drinking beer a lot and he always had a favorite snack to eat while he drank his beer, and that was a turkey sandwiched. My uncle also turned into a different man when he drank to much and that was not always so much fun, but it was funny when it was directed towards someone else and not on you. My uncle was a married man and she was very jealous but that never stopped him from flirting with other people, men, women, the old, and the young. But one day he went to far.

The day started off as normal as any other day. My uncle was drinking early in the morning not that strange but what was strange was that he wasn’t wearing a shirt. Now my uncle was not some young buck and an old deer. He had a big beer gut and a hairy chest that went to his arm and covered his hands it was a dark and curly and he did not smell nice he smelled like beer and pee and “other” stuff. Near the end of the day is when everything went to hell.

My uncle was drunker then usual but his wife was mad at him for some reason or another. He was always messing with her in the worst was possible. But on this day he pushed her to far he said some remark about her ugly appearance and when was so gonna make him his goddamn turkey sandwich but this time when she came in with his food she dumped the sandwich on his lap with one hand and in the other hand she had a big kitchen knife and with a quick movement she slashed his throat open and stabbed him in the chest screaming “die die die you blood sucking monster” and left his body and went outside. After she left and the police were called they found her body in the river her skin gone long ago and her skeleton and clothes were barely holding her together.

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