The Devils River

I was worried and scared, and I was paddling very hard down the river. I was so desperately trying to get out of the river. Nothing seem to work I think I just got deeper and deeper and far away. My phone sadly dropped in the water so  I couldn’t get any help. I started to yell but no response came. My friend told me not to go, and I should’ve listened. I thought to myself. I was all alone, and I had no phone. I had no food and have no water. And until I find land again, then I am trapped. The river I am in is very dangerous and two people of already died. I don’t want to be the third I thought again. Now I’m felt scared and stupid. I really should’ve listen to my friend. She was a very smart woman, but I though nothing would be wrong with the river. I was wrong it started to get dark and I really was getting scared. I fell asleep, and when I woke up, I was still in the water, but I saw land I started to pedal towards it, but when I finally got there, I realized it wasn’t the way I came so I would have to walk to find my car, which was OK after an hour of walking I decided to take a break and sit down everything went dark after that I don’t know how long I’ve been out but I woke up in the hospital and my friend was there and so was my mother. Everything seem to be OK I did have a couple marks probably from walking and then I remembered getting bit by a snake, but it wasn’t poisonous so I was OK. I went home and everything was fine until I heard a knock on the door. I went to go answer it thinking it was a friend or my sister or maybe even my mom. It wasn’t I felt very bad pain in my chest and then everything went dark again.

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