
The fire crackled weakly. It had been made from small sticks and orange pine needles. We really hoped it wouldn’t start a forest fire since the only water we had was our precious drinking water.

“Maylee?” James muttered from his spot, using his pack for a pillows.

“Yes?” I was snuggled in the insulated rain coat my anxiety over packing has insisted on bringing.

“How do you know what to do? We have no idea what we are doing and somehow you know what to do.”

I smiled to myself as quiet memories flooded my head. My brother had loved camping. He has taught me everything I know and then some. I wish he was here.

“My brother,” I whispered, so quietly I wasn’t sure if he heard.

But I saw as his head nodded.

“If only he was here. He could fix your wrist.”

James and I had met because he was at the hospital the same time my brother had.

Only one made it out.

“Hey, we‘ll be okay,” I said. “We have to.”

“For him,” I murmured to only myself.

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