A character from a dystopian future where all non-human animals are extinct reads an ancient text about something called a 'cat'...

Cats: A Guide To Our Furry Friends

By the time I’m almost finished organising the books my arms feel like they’re about to fall off. Why do we even have libraries anymore? Who bothers with pleasantries such as reading in these times?

I pick up the last book in the pile, it’s titled “Cats: A Guide Our Furry Friends”. What on earth is a cat? I open the and read the first page, it says they’re small, furry animals that make great pets. This must’ve been written before all animals went extinct.

The cat sounds interesting so I continue reading. Apparently, they evolved from big cats such as lions and tigers (whatever those are).

Before I know it I’ve read the entire book and must know everything there is to know about cats. I wish they were still around.

I close the book and put it in its correct place of the shelf. I stare at the spine for a while.

“Poor cat.” I say aloud.

I hear a noise from behind me, like nothing I’ve ever heard before. I spin around and there, on the ground, is a cat. It makes it’s weird noise again.


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