Her Favorite Trip

Danesha Clark had a secret. The annual Clark Family Camping trip was her favorite time of year. Not because of the scenic Mountain View’s or the lush hiking trails. Because they went on this trip with another family, the Englands’. The Clark’s and the Englands had been taking this camping trip every summer for the last five summers. Danesha’s kids loved fishing with little Matt England, even though he was four years younger than her preteen twins. Dylan and Marcus had taken to him like older brothers, teaching him how to fish and taking him on too fast quad rides up the mountain.

Danesha, her husband Travis, Molly and Harvey England got on very well, Travis and Molly both working at the same law firm since graduation. This yearly tradition being an escape from the bustle of city living and gave them all a chance to truly unplug.

Late into the first night of their five day trip all four adults sat by the roaring fire while the boys giggled and blinded each other with flash lights in their tent.

Travis gulped down his forth Bud Light while Molly nodded off in her lounge camping chair.

Danesha and Harvey were deep in conversation about their youth and how they wished they had a fraction of the energy their boys had. Harvey and Danesha always found themselves buried in engaging conversations. Nights like tonight were why Danesha relished this camping trip. Harvey was funny and understanding. He always listened with intention to whatever she was saying and made her feel seen. Travis pulled himself up and kissed Danesha on her head.

“I’m off to bed,babes.” Danesha hated that pet name. She feigned a smile and wished him a good night. Molly sat snoozing in her lounge her mouth gapping open slightly.

“ I wish I slept that soundly,” she chuckled. Harvey glanced at his wife and shook his head. “ She only sleeps that well after the booze kicks in. She works crazy hours and doesn’t sleep very well during the work week. Then on weekends she nurses a glass of wine or six and passes out wherever she lands.” Harvey glanced at Danesha apologetically. “ I’m sorry, I shouldn’t talk about her like that with you.” Danesha patted his knee. “No, it’s ok. From one work wife to another, trust me,I understand.” She winked at him but became aware that her hand was lingering too long. She meant to pull it back when he placed his hand on hers and squeezed. Their eyes met and Danesha caught herself admiring his strong, square jaw and perfectly trimmed beard. Harvey’s eyes were deep, velvety brown and laser focused on her own.

Harvey leaned forward and tucked a piece of her dark hair behind her ear. “I love these trips. The quiet. The fire. The company.”

Danesha blushed as Harvey’s hand stroked her cheek, his thumb tracing her lower lip.

“Harvey..”, she began. “We can’t. Molly is right there. What about the boys.” Her attempts to dissuade him from what she felt pulsing through the both of them was halfhearted. She knew she wanted him to continue.

Harvey tested her resolve and slowly ran his hand over shoulder to her wrist and down her hand. Before she let his hand slip away from her fingers she lurched towards him and pulled him close. Their faces inches from each other now, Danesha could smell the sweetness from the smores he had earlier on his breath. “I’m sorry.” She whispered and before her brain had a moment to calculate the consequences of her actions her mouth enveloped his. Havrvey moaned in response to the sudden lip lock, his voice deep and hungry. He pulled her into his lap and let his hands explore her as their tongues played with each other. His lips were soft and expertly suckled hers as they devoured each other in this forbidden moment. Danesha clung to his strong neck life a life preserver as she sank deeper into his pillowy lips.

After what felt like mere seconds or maybe hours Danesha and Harvey surfaced. Each out of breath and starving for more.

“We come here every year to get away.” Harvey said breaking their trance. “Will you come away with me? I know I sound crazy and stupid but maybe just for these five days every year we can forget about PTA, soccer practice and drunk spouses.” His velvet eyes pleaded with her. Danesha wordlessly stood up from his lap and lead him by the hand to the back of her family’s Suburban. After securing the back seats down she and Harvey laid in the spacious cargo area of her family car. Danesha kissed Harvey hungrily and unclasped her bra. “This is my favorite trip of the year. I waited five long years for you to catch on. I’ll be your escape and you will be mine.”

Harvey tore off her shirt and the two escaped into their own little slice of heaven.

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