Just Another Day at the Office

The day started out bad and just got worse from there. The van pool was late and I got the last seat, I hate that. Traffic was horrendous, as usual, and it started to rain on our way in. Since we were late, all the close parking was taken so we had to park in the back of the lot in the middle of a big puddle. I jumped out into ankle deep muddy water and made a mad dash toward the building. My new white flats now streaked with dirt; light blue pants quickly getting dark splotches and then becoming a dark solid blue; my bright yellow blouse now hanging limp; and my usually bouncy, curly hair plastered to my head, dark and straggly. I quickly ducked into the lobby and saw the clock... I was 20 minutes late! I told you the day started out bad.

I hurried over to the elevator and tried to smooth my clothes on the way up to the fifth floor. Nothing I did helped at all. Suddenly the doors opened and I stepped out fully expecting all eyes to turn my way. Being late was not tolerated in this office and I was afraid my boss would he at my desk happily waiting to give me a write-up, with everyone else eagerly waiting to watch the drama. Surprisingly, no boss and no eyes my way. Everyone was already hard at work with heads bent and keyboards clacking. I took another step and looked toward my desk… someone was sitting at my desk. Confused, I quickly pushed between two filing cabinets into a niche I knew completely hid me from everyone's view. I watched as the mystery person worked; She appeared to be doing the work I had planned for the day. Nobody even seemed to notice it wasn't me at my desk. I watched her at my desk. Her curly hair bounced with her movements and spilled onto the shoulders of a bright yellow blouse.I could see new white flats peeking out from under the hem of crisp light blue pants. I watched as my boss approached my desk. The mystery worker turned and I could clearly see that it was... Me!

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