Your protagonist finds out they're going to be a parent...

You can choose any type of character you like, but focus on their reaction and thoughts, and how they might go through a range of emotions.

Heart Hooked (Part 2)

_Two Months Later…_

Edmund was snoring in his bed, eyes shut and mouth slightly open. Fanny, instead of sleeping in her own bed and room, snuggled in beside Edmund and pressed herself against his side.

“Daddy, you’re so mean sometimes,” she sniffled, “Making me sleep in my own bed.”

Edmund did not reply. His deep snores filled the room.

Fanny yawned. “I promise,” she said, closing her eyes, “that I won’t pee this time. Pinky promise.”

Then she fell asleep.


Edmund woke up with something pushing against his side and a wet feeling in the same area.

“Fanny,” he muttered.

The girl blinked groggily, her eyes opening to the sound of his voice. “Yes, Daddy?”

“No more water for you.”

“Noo! I didn’t mean to!” Fanny cried.

Edmund groaned as he sat up. “I’ll go get the water started.”

“I can still sleep with you, right?” She asked, watching him slide from the bed to the bathroom. “Right, Daddy?”

Fanny sniffled and shot out of bed after him. “Daddy!!!!”



“Eat your breakfast, Fanny.”

Fanny did the opposite and placed down her fork. “Why do you wear glasses?”

“Because my eyesight is poor,” Edmund responded, “Now eat your eggs.”

“So.” Edmund sighed. “Do your glasses make your eyesight rich?”

Edmund stabbed his eggs then placed down his fork as well. _This girl._ “I suppose so; yes.”

Fanny gave him a look of awe. “I want glasses to!”

Edmund shook his head. “No, you don’t. Now eat, Fanny, or you aren’t getting dessert tonight.”

“You’re so mean, Daddy!” But she began to eat.


“So how’s the girl, Mundy?” Jennifer asked on the phone one day.

Currently, Fanny was busy playing with Edmund’s hair, which was quite long in style for a man his age (31).

“I will make you look bootiful, Daddy, just you wait!” She said, running her small hands through his black hair.

“Just fine, Mother.”

Jennifer gave a click of her tongue. “She isn’t causing you too much trouble, is she? We can still put her up for adoption.”

Fanny hummed as she tied a few strands of Edmund’s hair in a scrunchie, oblivious to the conversation. Edmund sighed through his nose and smiled to himself.

“No, Mother, I don’t think that’s necessary. Then an idea popped into his head. “Hey, how about you come over this break and visit?”

“Oh,” she stuttered, “W-will the girl be there?”

“Of course.”

“I don’t know….”

“Done!” Fanny clapped her hands in delight. Edmund was scared, his scalp felt tight. “Just wait here, Daddy! I’ll be right back!” She slipped from the coach and ran off to the bathroom.

Edmund returned his attention to his mother. “What do you say?”

“I’ll…think about it.”

“Thank you. She’s been waiting to meet you.”

“Has she….” Jennifer muttered. “Anyways, I gottta go, hun. Buh-bye.”

Edmund said his goodbyes as well. As soon as he hung up, Fanny came bolting back with a hand-held mirror.

“Look, Daddy! Looook!” Fanny pushed the mirror into his hands. “Didn’t I just make you look **_bootiful_**!”

“Uhh…oh…well.” Edmund looked at his reflection. His black hair stuck up at odd angles, _when had she found gel_, and there were at least four scrunchies that tied up ponytails.

Fanny looked at him expectantly. “Well?”

The man sighed. He placed the mirror down and leaned to kiss Fanny on the cheek. Fanny giggled. “It looks…bootiful, Fanny.”

Fanny gave him a proud smile. “I told you!” She yelled. “Next time we can do face makeup!”

Edmund’s smile faltered at the thought of Fanny’s crafty hands near his face. “Ah, I don’t know about _that_….”

(Part 3 will be when Jennifer comes to visit! Anyways, thanks for reading!)

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