Connected. Separated. Gleeful.

Write a story of no more than 10 sentences that incorporates these three words in a natural way.

Lamenting Divorcion

“Education, connection. Separation, divorcion!”

The ex-wife turns to the husband from across the lawyer’s table, “Will you please shut the fuck up? Divorcion isn’t even a real word.”

The ex-husband slams his hands on the table and pushes his head toward her in a rage, “Fuck you! How bout you make me!”

She turns to the lawyer, “That is consent isn’t it?”

The lawyer pauses a bit, “Technically... yes.”

She turns back with a gleeful face of spite, “Gladly.”

She takes her ex-husband’s ear from across the table and drags him face-first through the lawyer’s office, and grabs him by the hair and belt - holding him in a crouched position.

“Agh! What the fuck are you doing!”

She bends her head to his ear, “Exactly what you’ve always wanted me to do, listen to your shit!”

And she launches his ungrateful asshat head into a CRT TV.


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