Your character agreed to go skinny dipping with some friends, but it turned out to be a prank: now, all their clothes are missing and they are alone.
Explore how this scene continues.
Beyond Freezing
Kyle. You’re a fucking idiot.
The first hot girl to ask you to go skinny dipping and you jump in without an ounce of hesitation.
God damn bafoon.
Shaye was on another level. That tiny waist of hers, that Carmel-colored skin, that perfect little rear, and those perky…
Kyle. Focus! Get your god damn life together!
The cliff was much higher than it had appeared at ground level. It felt as though my heart would leap out of my throat, with every organ still intact. It sounded as though there were at least eight or nine others in the water. All butt naked...Shaye included. It was pitch black besides the moon, and a minimal amount of stars, and for that I was grateful. Grateful that Shaye couldn't see me flopping about in mid-air.
I plunged into the dark abyss, to the sound of people screaming. It was freezing cold, God it was so fucking cold. It felt as though a million daggers were pressing into my skin, enough to form a crude indentation, but unable to fully penetrate and draw blood. I opened my eyes and could see the blurred image of the moon, up North through the water. The moon got further and further as I went deeper and deeper. Deep enough to where my ears screamed in pain.
For a split second, I thought I was going to die. Either by drowning or by freezing to death. And then my body ejected upwards at light speed. My head erupted from the water and I let out a howl of pain. This water was beyond freezing...
No sounds of laughter, no sloshing in the water. Nothing. Was this a horrible prank?
Complete and Utter Silence.
Everyone was gone, Shaye included. It was just my naked ass in the middle of this freezing lake.
My teeth clattered together viciously as I worked up the strength to scream Shaye's name. But my words came out as broken stutters.
Down below I felt the brief movement of something brush against my feet.
It was Shaye. I fired a glance at her as she stood on the pier. Her arms covering her privates.
"Kyle! Get out of the water!"
I couldn't make out what she was saying. Not until her third or fourth time of repeating it. But by then it was too late. I felt a violent surge of waves as they pushed me forward. The icy cold water engulfed my head, pulling me below. I tried my best to swim towards Shaye, I swam as fast as I could.
I was there, I was so close. I could see her, kneeling down on the pier reaching her hands out at me. Screaming, screaming for me to go faster.
I reached for her. And then I felt the daggers that penetrated the skin, all along my torso. I couldn't hear my own screams. I didn't hear Shaye anymore. The last thing I felt was warmth.
The warmth of my own blood as it poured down my neck, and into the icy waters.