"The door is locked."

Write a story that includes this piece of speech. Consider if the locked door is keeping someone/thing in or out.

Night hunters

Darkness surrounded us as we ran through the bushes. What started out as trip to the mall with my sister ended up with the two of us being chased by creatures of the night. Loud chirping and gusts of screams as they were drawn in by our sweat while running away in fear. The sound of bushes being trampled at high speed was deafening as we had no idea in which direction to run. Adrenaline was something I had never experienced to this extent, the power and desire to keep my legs running faster and faster.

In the distance we saw an old building and without saying anything we nodded at each other acknowledging our mental plan. Aim for the house and get inside.

Suddenly, I felt a warm breath on my neck and before I could react I was sent tumbling into the grass. Snarling and looking at me with piercing eyes, I saw my captor trying it’s best to sink it’s teeth into my chest. My sister carried on running fully focused on getting to the house and getting any help she could. Luckily as I was crawling on the floor, I felt a large wooden stick and with all my weight I drew it across my chest into the side of the creature. It jumped back howling giving me enough time to jump up and continue towards the house and hopefully safety.

As I edged closer, I heard a sound that sent shivers down my spine causing me to momentarily freeze. It was not the sound of the mystery hunters who were closing in, no. It was from my sister shouting “the door is locked.”

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