The Truth Yet To Be Told

Josina grew up in a perfect family, her parent always treats both her brother and herself with kindness. They never yelled at her or mad at her. Even when she did something wrong or got a bad grade on her test, they would forgive her and said “It’s alright, darling, everyone makes mistakes.”

However, as day pass by, her parents and her brother begin to come home less and less. One day, as she was outside in the marketplace, she met a tall young man dressed in a black trench coat with a black turtleneck shirt inside. He’s appearance looked rather pleasing and fine. But when he request to speak to her, she become alarmed with his presence.

He glanced at the crowds far away to made sure we are truly alone. Then he said, “Have you seen your brother, Denzel Stewart, lately?” He asked in a low quiet tone.

How does he know my brother’s name? How does he know he was my brother?

Josina firmly stares at the young man, about her age, in the eyes. She’s not gonna reveal any information unless she was sure he’s safe to trust.

The one thing her parent said over and over to her is that she’s should never trust anyone, until they are proven innocent and safe to trust.

The young man sighed and said, “I’m Draven, and I know you probably don’t trust me, and I don’t expect you to do so anyways. But this is an emergency, I work with your brother and your brother had been missing for the past few days. I’m wondering if you have seen your brother. Since I need him right now.”

Josina looked at him in shock, her brother had been missing for the past few days?!

“What happened to my brother? When did he start going missing?” She said in desperate. Her brother had always been someone who she looked up to and rely on, everytime her parents were out. She looked at Draven in disbelief.

“He’a been missing since last Wednesday, it’s exactly a week now.”

“I need to call my mother, this can’t be happening! I haven’t seen him since last Wednesday too!” She hurriedly opens her phone and call her mother.

As she’s waiting for her call, Draven said in a careful tone, “I believe your parents are busy right now.”

“How do you know they’re busy?” She looks at him suspiciously.

Draven darted his eyes to other places and avoids eye contact with her. This made her more curious and suspicious about him.

“Uhh…” he said hesitantly. “Well, your parent probably didn’t told you about this, but apparently,” he lean in to her and lowers his voice. Eyes constantly alerting their surroundings, “they works at government’s top secret medical field as a scientist.” He move his head away. “That’s all I can say for you. Since I’m not even suppose to say it in the first place, but I think it’s alright because you are their daughter.”

“Medical—“ Draven putted his fingers on her lips, “Shhhh. Don’t say it.”

“O-oh, ok” she looked at him stunned. “Anyways,” she returned to her normal expression, “But my parents told me they work at a office job! You were saying they were lying to me?” She asked.

“Yes, but it was for your own good.” He replied.

“How about my brother? Is my brother also lying to me too? He said he works at a parttime job in the hospital.” She said concernly.

“In the hospital” He repeated, and chucked.

“What is it?”This made her more uneased.

“I’m his colleague, do you think I’m a type of a person who would work part time in a hospital?” He smirked.

“Uhh…” she scanned him from top to bottom. “No?”


“Then where does my brother work?” She asked in desperation again.

“He works in the secret government agency as a specialized undercover agent.” He said quietly. So only she will hear him.

Everything is clicking to place now. Why they always comes home late and sometimes doesn’t even come home. How they always seem to be hiding something from her. Constantly making her sleep early and use excuses such as it’s good for her health, but in reality, they use the time she was sleeping to discuss about their work stuff.

Is that also the reason why they are so much security camera outside and inside the house? And the never why they never let them into either of their room? Not even brother’s room. It all makes sense now.

So, her family had been lying to her all these times?

Josina looked at Draven and said in determination.

“You said he was missing right?” She looked at him firmly, she’s no longer the oldself she use to be anymore. She now truely understand the reality of the world she’s living in. She had died and is reborn again, in this exact spot. With the person who she call a stranger, but also the person who bother to tell her the truth.

“I want to help you in finding my brother. I don’t care what’s the consequences. I’m joining you no matter what.”

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